Scaling up: Strategies to scale advertising for live OTT events

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As pioneers in server-side ad insertion and with a decade of experience servicing the world's foremost broadcasters, there is no better solution for broadcasters to monetise VOD and live content without sacrificing quality and reliability.

Personalised Ad Insertion
Each online user, whatever the device, creates an individual request to the ad server, so you can track your precise audience demographics and tailor each replacement ad specifically, even down to the individual.
A Broadcast User Experience
Broadcasters know that consumers expect a broadcast-like viewing experience. Yospace SSAI delivers a seamless user experience with a commitment to the operational reliability Broadcasters expect.
Increased CPM rates with Interactive Ad Units
We offer an easy-to-integrate Ad Management SDK for all major platforms offering advanced features such as click through, third-party tracking or interactive elements.
Conditional Programme Replacement for Live
Flexible blackout capabilities are afforded through server-side content replacement. Now, it is possible to embargo content for arbitrary audience groups without the need for additional encoding or packaging equipment.
Automated Single Live Event Orchestration
We can support the creation of SSAI streams from a dynamic schedule of live events. Dynamically created streams are automatically integrated into the Yospace service monitoring NOC for the lifetime of the event.
Fast Track Event Streaming
Partnering with Capella Systems our orchestration system can automate the build a complete stack for event-based or 24/7 live streams including live encoding, packaging and accurate editorially driven ad insertion using a real time monitoring tool.


Live Stream Acquisition, Transcoding & Event Conditioning
Responsible for acquiring the live signal and transcoding it into HLS or MPEG-DASH with SCTE-35 break markers. The ESAM Playout Automation Gateway is an optional Yospace component that can take real-time data from your automation system to inject SCTE-104/35 markers into your source stream. We have integrated services encoded and packaged by third-party vendors that include Elemental, Harmonic, Ericsson (Envivio), Anevia, and MediaExcel.
Origin Server
The encoding live stream is placed onto an origin server, or a CDN entry point, such as AkamaiHD. It is from this location the yospaceCDS service pulls a copy of the stream manifest. This architecture allows DAI enablement to "layer" on top of your existing non-DAI workflow which simplifies the roll-out of your DAI streams.
Analytics Repository
The yospaceCDS solution includes a Telemetry API for real-time statistics on user engagement, ad server performance and key metrics essential for optimising the revenue from your streams.
Ad Management SDK
Our optional SDKs are responsible for handling best-in-class ad measurement and provide options to implement OMSDK viewability and to implement rich formats such as SIMID. Native implementations available for iOS, tvOS, Android, Roku, with all other platforms handled with our JavaScript/ECMAScript or C++ SDKs.
Ad Server Integration
yospaceCDS integrates with VAST/2.0/3.0/4.0/4.2 compliant services through simple UI-based configuration. The service is currently active with customers using FreeWheel MRM, Google DFP, SmartClip, SpringServe, INVIDI Magnite/SpotX and countless downstream DSPs. Advertising copy is automatically transcoded by yospaceCDS and placed onto a nominated delivery CDN.
Ancillary Integration Touchpoints
The yospaceCDS solution supports a variety of touch points to implement business requirements such as an SCTE-224 (or similar) endpoint for regional blackout; POIS -- an external service to enrich the metadata associated with a break, allowing for enhanced targeting, or removal of placement opportunities based on business rules; Replacement Assets can be uploaded manually, through an API or through MRSS feeds.


VOD Asset Creation Workflow
Our VOD solution leverages your existing VOD asset creation workflow. Create and transcode content as you would normally, placing it on to one or multiple CDNs, and use Yospace SSAI to dynamically fetch content from the CDN and deliver ad-stitched VOD assets.
Ad Management SDK
SDK responsible for handling ad performance tracking, and trick-play policy enforcement. Native implementations available for iOS, Android, and Roku.  Connected TVs and other devices are supported by the JavaScript or C++ versions.
Ad Server Integration
For VOD DAI, we support VAST/3.0 or VAST/4.2 wrapped in a VMAP response. The ad request template can be configured easily through the yospaceCDS Management Console. Advertising copy is automatically transcoded by yospaceCDS and placed onto a nominated delivery CDN.


Want to chat?

Let’s discuss how we can help you with yospaceCDS Advanced Streaming technology.
